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Lawn Mower and Snowblower Repair in Tallmadge, OH

Did your lawnmower suddenly sputter out in the middle of a mow? Or has your snowblower failed during a frigid winter day? If so, don’t wait to get it serviced by Duckwall's Mower Repair. If you wait too long, your grass will grow unwieldy, or snow will continue to fall and block your driveway. For over 17 years, we’ve provided complete snowblower, lawn tractor, and lawn mower and snowblower repair in Tallmadge, OH, and surrounding areas. We are a locally owned and operated team of mechanics and drivers known for our quick turnaround times and friendly customer service. If you can walk behind it or ride it we can fix it.

person pushing lawn mower

Push It. Drive It. Repair It.

Homeowners throughout the area return to us for every repair because they can rely on us for fast, thorough machine repair. Our mission is to reduce your downtime, so you can quickly start and finish your mowing and blowing tasks throughout the year: We service most makes and models of the following machines to our customers’ complete satisfaction:

  • Push lawn mowers
  • Riding lawn mowers
  • Lawn tractors
  • Snowblowers
  • Walk Behind Blowers
  • Generators
  • Pressure Washers (seasonal)

Does My Machine Need Repairing?

Do you hear a strange rattling or clattering whenever you turn on your machine? Does it shake uncontrollably? Does the smell emanating from it spell bad news? If so, Duckwall's Mower Repair will inspect it. Don’t worry if you don’t own a truck – our team can pick up your mower and deliver it when we’ve finished our work. We recommend scheduling an inspection and repair if you notice the following signs of disrepair:

Won't Turnover

This is the most obvious sign that your machine needs to be repaired. If it fails to start or resists, it needs inspected.


Fluid and gas are essential to your machine. Are you running out of gas too quickly? Do you notice mechanical stains on your property? Your machine might be leaking.

Odd Noises

Machinery is naturally loud, but abnormal knocking, screeching, or sputtering are never good signs.

Strange Smells

Smells other than exhaust or fuel, such as burning, could mean your machine is in serious trouble.

Excessive Shaking or Vibrating

Machines shake and vibrate. But violent or uncontrollable shaking warrants an inspection.

We Don’t Service Hand-Held Equipment

We’ve discontinued our hand-held equipment repair. However, we will gladly recommend you a hand-held equipment repair shop upon request.

Better Call Duckwall's Mower Repair Today!

With Duckwall's Mower Repair, you won’t need to wait long to get your mowing or blowing back on track. Our seasoned mechanics complete minor and major repairs quickly. Whether your machine needs a tune-up or extensive replacement work, we will restore it to tip-top shape. We have an expansive delivery area, including Tallmadge, Cuyahoga Falls, Stow-Monroe Falls, and North Hill. Please reach out to us today to learn more about our specials, discounts, and deals available to you during your service.

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